Monday, January 10, 2011

Daniel the Icicle Man

Our house is quite an adventure in the winter time I have decided. The driveway is a mess, the streets are never plowed, it's icy, cars ALWAYS get stuck, and the latest addition is the massive icicles that hang off of our room. I don't have many complaints about the icicles since they do not really affect me. The do however, have a big affect on dear Daniel. It has created a black ice part on our sidewalk where he always tends to walk, and has on occassion, fallen. So, the other day he walked into the house holding the icicle. He had knocked it down but it had kept in one piece! I had thrown a slight fit because I had wanted to take a picture of the huge thing, and thus became Daniel the Icicle Man.
He's a piece of work. But we love him anyways!
(And now, hopefully, he wont fall everytime he comes to visit his Fiance)
*Editors note: I did not realize how messy our room was until I looked at these pictures... So, please excuse the mess that is our room. We've been busy and have had better things to do than worry about picking up!


  1. Hahaha! I love this!

    your one and only

    Allie Brown

  2. I always get scared of one falling on someone and hurting them so be careful with the icicles. I don't want you hurt! I always go out on our deck and hit them all down off the roof so they don't fall on anyones head.
