Sunday, March 27, 2011

The "not" so Excellent Chef

So lately I have become quite the little chef.

Meatloaf, potato salad, BBQ Chicken, Sweet and Sour Chicken, Tacos,

And monkey bread.

Most were a success... some were a definite fail... and others have not been cooked quite yet.

The BBQ Chicken was a big fail.

As in, I burned the whole side of Daniel's crock pot.

And it took me 1 night of soaking it with hot and soapy water

1 day and 1 night of boiling hot water with baking soda in it.

And an SOS pad.

The meatloaf was delicious. The potato salad is average, Tacos were good

And the monkey bread.

Delicious to say the least.

After we over came the fall.

Note to self: do not put the whole bag of rhodes rolls into the one bread pan because it does raise A TON when you leave it over night.

But that was easily fixed once I transposed those few balls that had fallen out of the pan, into a second pan.

And this is how I became the "not" so excellent Chef.

1 comment:

  1. Monkey bread??? Oh, my goodness - that sounds amazing. No worries on the pot - I have burned rice so badly in my nice pot at least three times that it took DAYS and acid to get it clean. I've been banned from cooking rice until we get a rice cooker to do it for me.
