Sunday, July 31, 2011

The beginning to a new end...

Are you seeing what I'm seeing???? A CLEAN HOUSE! The bitter sweet news is that my room mates all moved out this past weekend. And I was shocked because they moved out so quickly and one of them had 3 years of stuff cooped up in this house. I was really excited because I was going to have the whole house to myself for the rest of the summer. But, word on the street is that I have 4 new room mates moving in TOMORROW! That means it will be a full house again, each room will be taken. I am excited and nervous.... Hopefully new friendships will be made! And hopefully we are able to keep the house looking this great... Me and Allie seriously almost did the happy dance we were so excited at how nice and clean the house is! We didn't know it had this kind of potential!
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