Monday, July 4, 2011

Movies, Shopping, Dinner, & Family Time

Me and Brennan in the D BOX preview of Harry Potter. Brennan = Harry Potter Geek. HARD CORE. Apparently he is going to see it in regular theater, dbox, imax, imax 3d, and i think imax dbox? IDK but he is going to see it a ton. We went to go and see the Green Lantern, which is actually a pretty decent movie. Reminded me a TON of Spiderman, but still good. Brennan has movie rules, and HATES it when I get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the movie... but hey! When you gotta go, you gotta go!

We met up with my Mom and Melanie afterwards at Aeropostale where she gifted me, Brennan, and Melanie new shirts! Brennan was being funny because we had a hard time finding shirts in his size (it's the store not him!) and so he found this HUGE shirt they had advertising their sale and said that's the one he needed.

We headed over to Red Robin for dinner where Jeff and Kyle met up with us. My brothers and Brennan get along great.

Cute Mom and Melanie!

Me and Brennan :)
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