Friday, November 26, 2010

The Rockettes

My mom wanted to do something fun the day after Thanksgiving. We found out that my uncle Mark had tickets to the Rockettes, and decided to join him. It was awesome! I was a little uneasy in going at first, just because I wasn't sure what to expect and it didn't sound like something that would be as cool as it was! They are amazing dancers and were able to keep our attention through the whole show! My favorite part was the dancing Santas. My mom made a joke and said, The santas remind me of being in the temple and looking through the eternity mirror! Hilarious! After we went and enjoyed the presentation by the Rockettes, we headed over to one of our favorite places to eat: The Crown Burger.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Harry Potter Part 1

I now remember what we went to the mall for... The cute headband on Melanie's head! I wanted to be a fun sister and come with a little present for our sister date. Melanie had been asking me for months to take her to see Harry Potter. She really wanted to go to the midnight showing, but alas, she had school, and I had to work early. So we scheduled a night out for Saturday. It was a VERY snowy night, and after the movie took me probably a good full hour to get home back to provo. She was amazing at all of the Harry Potter Trivia they had before the movie, she knew every answer! (Which was good because there were some parts in the movie I didn't remember that she could explain for me) Funny story, after we saw the movie on Saturday, we ended up going to see it again on Thanksgiving for our Family movie since the only two movies playing in the Theater were Tangled and Harry Potter. Melanie also got a cool Harry Potter Shirt that is black and says "Potter Watch" on it.

Browsing the Mall

Today we had the Relief Society Activity at the Museum. After we went to the Museum we headed over to the mall just for kicks and giggles. We decided to drag Daniel along with the 3 of us as well, because he is fun and we like him.
How cute are they together?

Gotten some requests of pictures of Daniel... So here is a good one of him riding in the car on our way to the mall!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Through The Looking Glass

So, I decided to get a new blog up and running since my best friend Kristen will soon be a newly engaged and then newly wed and will be starting her own life. We didn't want the blog we share together to get too congested up, and have decided to each create a new blog, while keeping the one we currently have. So that we can update about things happening in our life, as well as the adventures we take together! I named this blog "through the looking glass" since I feel like this is letting you all in to my life... I know kind of corny..but hey it works! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the life that is me, Maren.