Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Great Egg Hunt of 2011

This year the Easter Bunny did things a little bit differently.

Instead of hiding lots of eggs that we had colored/dyed and deocrated, and hiding a basket for each of us: He hid only 1 egg per kid. And that one egg was the jackpot.

However, it took us FOREVER to find them, as no eggs were hidden in usual places.

That silly Easter Bunny, he hid them under the big basket of candy!

Easter was enjoyed by everybody this year. We hit up both Linnells and Browns this year as well as had our own family time. I spent the weekend at my moms and went to church with her as well. We were the hit of the ward with our dresses!

Happy Easter of 2011!

Easter Photo Shoot

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blue Tongues!

You know it's starting to get nicer weather when blue tongues emerse due to slushies!

Bring is on summer!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Remember how I was the "not so excellent cook?"

Well, at work we were having a "Perfectly Pleasant Potluck" and you had to bring something that started with the letter P.

So I decided to attempt peanut butter cup cookies again, as my last attempt was not so great.

And.. they actually turned out!

I was so excited!!!

So I thought I would share my excitement with you by displaying a picture:

Friday, April 22, 2011

My Newest Project

As my room mate Kristen/BFF is leaving for texas here in a blink of an eye

I will have the room all to myself

Which means, I get to "Marenise" it.

This is the first of a few of the projects I have for it.

It was a STEAL. I got it at roberts for like 18.00

Thank you 40% off plus an additional 2.00 off.

I was going to have it be all of me and her

But looking at it, I am thinking that's A LOT of me and her.

So on the magnet part I think I am going to do a collage of everybody in my life

It will be a good time

And I am thrilled with it

The end.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Natural Disasters

I think it's time for some deep spring cleaning.

How embarassing.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wedding Shoe Renovation

I think they turned out pretty good.

Add on a few jewels, copy Daniels design, ba da bing, ba da boom.

Flats, Cheap, Love them.

Bring on the wedding day!

Along Came Zoe

On sunday a trajedy occurred. My faithful almost 3 years aged hair dryer bit the dust. Kristen was lucky enough to get the last full blow dry. When I got ready, I got a few good moments and then dead. Lately we have been trying to baby it along... giving it rests in between when it would turn off. But it would always turn back on and keep going as our trusty hair dryer. Not on sunday. It turned off, I gave it it's rest, turned it back on and: Smoke blew out of it. So... along came Zoe...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I'm gonna miss this...

I'm gonna miss this... I'm gonna want this back... I'm gonna wish these days, hadn't gone by so fast! These are the good times.... She is only here for about another week and then is gonna ditch me for her husband and get all married and move down to texas. Insert sad face HERE!


I have proof that spring has come!

And here it is:


In my backyard/park area.

Makes me VERY happy. Now if we could just move along to the summer time.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

You know your a Crafter when....

You have drawers that look like these!

Teen Mom 2 Review

Teen Mom 2 recently had it's season finale and so I think I am going to voice a few of my opinions about it and the cute(or not so cute) girls on it.
Starting with Chelsea:

I love Chelsea. Regardless of the fact that her father spoils her rotten, I think she is a good mom. Aubrey is super duper cute and she takes good care of her and actually spends time with her! I do however feel Chelsea should give the baby daddy Adam, the boot. He is not good for her, or Aubrey.

Jenelle jenelle went to jail. I think that Jenelle has the potential to be a good mother... However right now, she just isn't. Get rid of Kiefer, get rid of the drugs and alcohol, go to school, get a job, and provide for your child. Her mom has temporary custody of Jace, and I don't blame her. So Jenelle, my opinion on you, is to get your act together!

Good mother, going to school, but struggles with boyfriends/living situations. She used to live with her baby daddy Joe but got kicked out because they found out she was dating Jordan. She then lived with her mom, and now is living on her own. I am very impressed with Kailyn. She lives on her own, provides for her child with her 2 jobs, and is going to school. She also recently got their custody agreement down on paper. She has her struggles, but as a teen mom, who wouldnt?

Leah had twins. And sadly one of her babies has a medical problem that we are unsure on how she is going to fix it, or what exactly is wrong. Hopes and prayers go to leah and her baby Ali. Leah married her babies Daddy and is doing really well. I think out of the 4 of them, she is the best off. Has a house, has a husband/is married, husband is able to provide for her. Next in ranking would have to be Kailyn, then Chelsea, and I wish I didn't even rank Jenelle because I am apalled by her actions.

I love me some teen mom and am anxiously awaiting the next season of it. Sadly, we have to go through 16 and pregnant first, which starts next week.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What's In My Phone???

Failed Monkey Bread Attempt... WARNING: BREAD RISES A LOT Easter bows/headbands I made for Carmel and Claire
Hair dye from getting my hair done... I made it into a shape, can you guess what it is?

(it's the blue sonic guy!)

My new fancy schmancy outfit
Me Jeff Kyle and Mel at the St George Temple
A Tangled picture I colored for Allie
Valentine Frame Craft
Shoe design for the wedding
Cailins wedding present she made for Kristen and Daniel

(Don't worry they have already received it so I am not spoiling a suprise)

A LOT of blogs have been doing this "What's in my phone" fun so I decided to join in.

And that ladies and gentlemen, is what you find in my phone pictures.

I think we all need to raise our glasses or have a little celebration on the fact that I am refinancing my car today AND that half of my tax return arrived.

Thank you America First Credit Union and my Uncle Mark!