Thursday, June 30, 2011

Flashback Thursday!

Melanie's baptism... which would have been summer of 2008... I wouldn't be able to tell you the exact date. I LOVE my long hair and was also in love with that dress. My mom hi jacked it though and has it hidden because I guess it's considered "too short". I'm also rockin the tan lines! LOL.

Isn't he a HUNK??? Love you dad.

So... I found a few old pictures that I thought would be fun to share on my mama's computer. Which then got me thinking about doing one big post as "flashbacks" and then the wonderful Mandy said to do a Flashback Thursday! So, for a while we will have fun with this. I doubt it will be as long as the Monday Quotes has been... but we will see!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ethnic Melanie

After our 7 peaks day Melanie had asked me to braid her hair. She had tried to braid it in hopes of achieving the crimped look, but it didn't work out so well. So I busted out my box braiding skills and went to town! About 45 minutes later (she's got a TON of hair) we had a successfully braided head of hair! Sunday Morning, we had a successful crimped hair! It was really cute! I remember doing my hair like that when I was her age. I hated the briading part, and at one point in time I actually had a crimping curling iron that was AWESOME. Not sure where it ended up though... I think Mel pulls off the ethnic look quite well, she is such a cutie, ethnic or not! (she is also a new reader of my blog!)

Monday, June 27, 2011

7 Peaks!!!

On saturday me and melanie took a sister day and hit the slides at what was formerly known as "Raging Waters"

I considered getting pictures of us actually on the slides together, but after riding each one once, I decided it was not going to be possible to keep my camera above the water the whole time. Melanie has a pass to 7 peaks for the season and goes a lot with her friends. But it was fun this time because she got to go in the other pools that are otherwise dubbed as "too cold" by her friends.

I made melanie get up on the water fall rock thing right by the rock you jump off of. I guess you aren't really supposed to sit there... and we set a bad example for the girl and her friends that are right behind us.

The rope that you have to get yourself, mind you. You get it by using this thing life guards usually use to pull you out of the pool if you are drowning. Not here, you use it to grab the rope to swing into the water. Which, I cannot do for the life of me. I'm better just jumping from the landing then spending the time to actually try and hold on to the rope. Melanie did better than me, although not by far.

Cute Sisters! My one and only :) She is willing to go and do anything with me pretty much. She even braved the freezing cold pool with me last year when it was still set up. It sounds like that problem has been solved this year.... (mistakes are made... lessons have been learned... we are benefiting from it now!) So I am excited to swim in the backyard again! Especially since that pool doesn't have a "closing time" or an opening time for that matter!

Melanie and I both love to swim. I was glad to get to spend a day with her. We went on all the "not scary" slides, hung out for a long while in the lazy river, and even got to the very deepest part of the tidal pool! (I now have concerns about going on the cruise however... because I felt slightly queezy going up and down on the waves in that tube... maybe it will be better on a boat!) We stayed for a good 4... 4 1/2 hours I think? Our plan was to stay until close, we made it until an hour before. It's exhausting! But SOO much fun. I got my tan on, Melanie already had hers, she is definately a "Brown" girl (ha ha ha!)
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Monday Quote

Watermelon Fingers!

If you have watermelon finger nails, you know that it is summertime! Ashley Rose was kind enough to please me with these beauties last night after Cailin's party! Ashley does my hair, waxes my eyebrows, and does my toes quite often. She is my beauty consultant! She's also a pretty decent friend... If you are having feelings of jealousy and envy... have no fear! Make your appointment here -----> (haha, that rythmed!)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Joshy Returns :)

(josh and my cousin E)

(picture via my cousin lizzy)

My sweet cousin Josh came home from his mission today! He served 2 years down in Mexico. If only you could see the big smile on my face.... (sadly I was not able to attend the airport because of work. BOOO) Josh is my same age, and so he was my playmate when we were little little little. He is hilarious. My favorite memories of him are playing house (cuz I always had a husband LOL) having our big sleep overs at grannie and grandpas, and him rolling around in the snow with his bathing suit and jumping back as fast as he could into the hot tub. He is full of games and jokes. I am SOO glad he is home. Now that we have everybody... I think it's time to start getting psyched for the cruise!

Welcome home Joshy!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

More Birthdayness...

Every year I have a Birthday dinner at the Westovers. Frieda always makes me sweet and sour chicken... probably since after the first year I knew her! This year they went ALL out. It was great! The only sadness was the Kissy wasn't there. I miss her :( Below, you will see the story of the party that was!
It's a pillow.... it's a pet.... it's a PILLOW PET!! And a turtle one at that... kind of looks like a frog from this angle... but it's a turtle none the less! Thanks 4 C's!

Can you believe it? SNOW CONE GIFTCARD. Awesome. This was from the Dows, but I didn't want all the photos to be of just me... Note that Eli was in the one above (He was my buddy all night pretty much) so I grabbed Carmel and as you can tell she was thrilled LOL

I'll give you one guess as to who this one was from..........

Nathan (it's very hard to get pictures of him... of any of the kids actually, they are always in motion.)

Sad everybody was moving for this picture because he is such a stinkin' cute baby.

My Twin :) Mel came to the party, it was fun to have her there! She is dark as can be and she's only been swimming thrice. She loves 7 peaks. It's all the rave this year. OH and, I would also like you to note that the pool is under going some HEAVY construction and maintence.... BUT, have no fear, it will be better than it was last year!!! Yay for our pool!

A birthday wish from Ashley?

The candle attempt... the 21 that almost was! And Cailin made the delicious eclaire dessert from my Aunt Alison! (P.S. it worked out great Alison and Karinne! Thanks!)

My opinion on these two... TECHNICALLY they aren't blood related... so it could happen. Or, we can just keep it as a cute innocent cousin love :) They crack me up. Always holding hands and being by each other. Ok that really did just describe sweet innocent cousin love! I think it's the ONLY smile picture of Nathan that I've ever had. Cute none the less :) **** Thank you to EVERYBODY (mom, jeff, kyle, melanie, grandma and grandpa linnell + extended linnells, grannie and grandpa brown +extended browns, allie, holly, julie, katie, kristen, westovers + sandstedts+ dows+ o halloran) You all made it a great birthday!**** I think It's safe to say.... I have officially partied the HECK out of the 21 :) And I am happy.
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Saturday with the "Sibs"

Me, Melanie, and Kyle went to see Pirates 4. Sadly, they are making another one. It's going to be the next Star Wars trilogy. At least Harry Potter Has the books so we know how many are coming, and at least Harry Potter has a good story line.

Went and ate at Panda Express, Kyle's number one favorite place to eat. I really liked what my fortune cookie said, however, I can't remember what it said at this particular moment...

Kyle, who lets me take his picture, and candid shots at that!

Melanie, who has now hit the phase of "I don't want my picture taken and blogged". Lameness.

And then we headed over the the 7 Eleven to see Jeff. Jeff is also like Melanie and doesn't like to have his picture taken AT ALL. Let alone blogged... I tell them it's my journal though and so it's necessary. Melanie said, if it's your journal everybody wouldn't read it. Sigh.

Cracks me up that he is with that huge thing of ketchup... We love our ketchup! (He was eating tacos) I like to go and visit Jeff, not just because I like to see him, but because we get free slurpees and fountain drinks when he is working! It's become a regular thing for me to come down on a weekend night and play. Within the week out pool will be up as well, which is exciting!
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Snow Shack Celebrations!

Today, we had much celebrating to be done between me and the Asherly! For my birthday (I am going to see how long I can drag this b day out...) and.... because Ashley got a job! Woot Woot! It's at a salon called "Sachet" pronounced Sashay, not sachet. And the only way to celebrate in my book is to go to the BEST SNOW CONE SHACK EVER!!!! The girl there I know really well, however, I could not tell you her name for the life of me, but that's ok because I am 98% sure she doesn't know mine....ANYWAYS, I made her take our picture and I am glad because it is stinkin' cute! My shirt cracks me up because I didn't really read it before purchasing, and now I just laugh. It's a picture of a bicycle with some birds and it says "Recycle your <3 out" Go me being pro active for the Earth! Ashley really celebrates with her snow cones.. she get Margarita every time, although I think a new love was born when she did a shot of the Pink Champagne flavor tonight. As for me, I am a die hard "Spider man" (tigers blood and blue raspberry mixed). I tell ya, the way to my heart is directly through a snow cone! AND they even have gift cards now! (hint hint... you should all keep record of that in your books!)
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Belated Birthday Lunch at the Rio!

Me and Katie hit it up at today for some much neglected Cafe Rio time!

We haven't gone to lunch in FOREVER and so today we made a plan and went through with it!

Plus we have both been trying to "be more healthy" and Katie is really reaping the rewards!

Now if only I could follow suite....LOL

Alice in Wonderland- Halloween Style!

Katie got me this Alice in Wonderland Halloween Box!

Handmade by Katie herself! She put her modge podge talents to good work!

The box also came with Alice in Wonderland Magnets!

All in all, a Very Happy Unbirthday To me!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


(watch jeff's faces...)

Birthday loot so far!

On a side note.... Look at how huge my flower plants are! The ones on the right wont bloom for the life of them, but they sure are growing tall!!!

Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me! Happy birthday dear ME! Happy 21 to me!
To celebrate I went to work :( One of the very few birthdays I have ever had to work on my special day! I got up at the crack of dawn because I worked an earlier shift today to be able to get off early for dinner! On the way to work I treated myself to a TASTY breakfast of hot donuts :) Holly and Julie (my roomates) also helped me celebrate by decorating my landing and stair case with TONS of balloons!!! Then after work it was off to the Roadhouse with the family! Not gonna lie, I was nervous about the saddle thing, but it really wasn't all that bad! And It was funny that everybody there had to give me a birthday YYYEEEEE HAAAAWWWW!!!
Gotta love the Birthday!
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June Birthday Celebrations

Melanie is 11, Kyle is now 14, and I turn 21 tomorrow! We are my moms June birthday babies. Jeffs birthday is January 6th. He used to wait to celebrate his birthday until June because he had a very tender heart and didn't understand why he was always left out when June came around. Kyle is now a teacher in the priesthood. On the Linnell side, we stop giving presents at age 18, and so you only get a present from Grandma and Grandpa. My present this year was totally me. I have to say, my grandparents know their grandchild! They gave me a pack of diet coke, chocolate, cashews, and MONEY! Kyle is into basketball recently and so my mom got him some miami heat basketball shorts and a shirt, and we also gave him a "wifi" for his room to play the xbox. Now are family room can actualy be a family room and not Kyle's xbox hangout room. My mom made delicious teriyaki chicken dinner for us all to enjoy, and I am excited for more birthday celebrating to be had on my part tomorrow! Yay!
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