Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Akward and Awesome

One of the blogs I follow, The Daybook, does an "Akward and Awesome" segment once a week. Since I haven't blogged in FOREVER (busy with school and other going ons called LIFE) I decided I would grace all of you with my very own Akward and Awesomes of the week thus far.


  • Finding out an Achilles Heel is not a pain in your foot, but actually your weakest point of you as a whole.

  • The male figure that seems to have taken residence on our couch... I have no idea who he belongs to, and he is always gone by dawn.

  • Coming home to 3 of your room mates crying over.... I honestly have no idea what.

  • Waking up with gum in my hair.

  • Freezing the gum out of my hair.

  • Falling down in my schools parking lot.

  • Falling UP the stairs to my bedroom which then resulted in a sliver in my FOOT.

  • The boy at the gym that got on the bike next to me and felt the need to try and upscale me when I had been biking for 30 minutes, and him only 5

  • My new teachers hilarious story on her first experience waxing, and how to pull off a haircut gone bad.


  • James Ryder coming to school and giving us the low down on make up.

  • Moving up to Protege

  • Getting an email stating Erin comes home in TEN days.

  • Finding out the Snow Shack in WJ is open until the middle of September

  • Teen mom + Toddlers and Tiaras always = Awesome

  • Getting to use real color on my doll head instead of just "cholestral"

  • Learning how to corn roll

  • Having Owen let me hold him for longer than 30 seconds

  • Old Navy sending me "Old Navy Cash" in the mail

  • "The Boy" FINALLY texting me

  • Getting new pictures for my wall decor

And that, was Akward and Awesome. Kind of fun, Kind of Random. Brought to you by, the Day Book. (If I knew how to put up cool links and buttons on here, I totally would, but for now, I will just give you the link of her blog)


  1. i'm totally excited about snow cones!!! when we will have our last hurrah?

  2. LOL I loved this post! Super cute and funny. I am glad Owen let you hold him for more the 30 seconds. Hopefully the time will get longer and longer everytime you hold him. I hope the boy keeps texting you!
