Friday, September 23, 2011

Free Hug Day!

On Wednesday it was Paul Mitchell the schools Free Hug day. It originated when some guy I guess was all alone in the world, something about not having any friends or family.... got off the plane... felt sad.. and started hugging people and changed his life.... and so now we have free hug day! We went to UVU ( and let me tell you they were THRILLED. not.) and the new core went to a Retirement home close by. We made fun signs and wore our paul mitchell shirts and went to spread the love! On the right is Lyndsey one of my Learning leaders (she teaches theory and is our cutting specialist) then there is Amber, Chantel, Becca is sitting down, and Taylor (who can't seem to figure out whether she is enrolled in school or isn't....

Most of the whole gang.... People of importance is the "older" lady to the right. Her name is Judy, and she is like one of the head haunchos at our school and is loud and hilarious.

Chantel and Amber

Becca and Taylor (told you becca was my good friend... note all of her picture appearances)

Heather! Wanting to give SOMEBODY a hug. I tell ya, those kids at UVU were a tough crowd. It's insane how many people bluntly say NO to a hug or just stay stiff. Talk about RUDE.

Darci and Tazia (pronouced tey zah)

This is Michelle and someone else.... The important person is Michelle lol. She is one of my learning leaders out on the floor as well. I wish I had a picture of Sarah... not yet, but soon to come, because she is my favorite and is hilarious and is everything I wish to be in life!

More hugs... and a picture of Cocoas head. I have to tell just a QUICK story about Cocoa. So she is on the caper team with me (more of that to come) and on Thursday we spent ALL DAY LONG up in the little attic of our school which is like four feet wide and four feet tall, packing and unpacking boxes and organizing products and bags, and towards the end of the day Cocoa was all, "I am hot and my afro is flat!" It was really funny because when we came down from the attic, it really was like she had a flat top. Maybe you had to be there... but I am laughing as I think about it now.
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