Friday, September 23, 2011

Burning of the CH!


Good picture huh? I was impressed, mainly because my green camera has officially retired, and so my camera phone has been picking up the slack. Back to the burning....
This was a great year to go to homecoming, I'm SOO glad I went. The burning was AWESOME ( although I still don't think Nathan understands WHY we think it's fun to light a CH on fire...) and afterwards they had FIREWORKS! And not dinky, oh heres some bright lights in the sky for a split second, it was like a FULL BLOWN firework show! It was great! Happy Homecoming Copper Hills!
Class of '08 is Great!!!
(In class today, I learned how NOT to date me by putting the year I graduated... especially not on a resume... so I had to get it out of my system)
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