Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I took the risk of cutting my baby Owen's hair about a week ago. He is famous for screaming bloody murder at the salon when he goes in, and so Ashlee and I decided to try it with me cutting his hair, and at his own house. He started out doing great! First position, in the sink, with a dum dum...

This is when he really started to get upset.... not quite screaming, just a little bit of uncertainty... but he's so freakin' cute! Second position ended up being on his moms lap on top of the toliet, with a MILLION dum dums (bribes always seem to work with kids...) I'm quite impressed that I can cut hair with one side of him up against his mom, and the other side in my hands. He had a TON of hair on his head so it took a little bit longer.... But that's ok, and we came out of it with success! Hopefully it will just keep getting easier and easier.... But I would like to take claim of the title "Owen's Hair dresser" from here on out!

Lookin like a stud!
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1 comment:

  1. Good job Maren! Owen thinks you're pretty cute too. Keep up the good work. :)
