Monday, December 20, 2010

Traumatizing Event

On Friday I was real excited to go and babysit the twins. I switched my work schedule to an early shift so that I could get off in time to go and watch them. The night started off great! They opened their christmas gifts from me, which were pajamas for their build a bears, they chatted me up a good storm on what I had been missing out on (keep in mind I hadn't seen them since before thanksgiving!) and then we got dressed, did our hair, and headed out the door for some good eatin' at Chic Fil A!
Only to encounter this....
We had made it through dinner, the girls both ate real well and had enjoyed playing on the playground area. Not until we were walking out the door did the disaster happen.

We were leaving and the girls were running to the door in front of me when all of a sudden Carmel was on the ground. (Later that night Claire fessed up and admitted that Carmel had actually tripped over Claire's boot) Carmel got up off the ground and I was thinking everything was going to be ok... And then I saw the blood. So, in turn I started freaking out which then made Carmel start to freak out. She had bitten into her lip hard enough to make it bleed ALL OVER THE PLACE. Unfortunately for me, the lip is the part of the body that always seems to bleed the most. So I am picking her up trying to soothe her, the chic fil a workers are handing me ice bags and bandaids (really people? it's a lip? Who puts a BANDAID on a lip?!) And with bribbing of ice cream we were able to get cleaned up and into the car to be whisked off to artic circle.

Not gonna lie, it was a VERY traumatizing event for everyone involved. When we got to Artic Circle Cailin had asked for pictures of the lip (as she too was freaking out. Didn't help the fact that I had said Carmel had bit THROUGH her lip instead of just into her lip...) and so after I took pictures of the lip Carmel suggested I take a happy picture of her to prove to her mom that "She was ok now and there was no more blood"
Thank the good lord.
The night then continued on with bathtime and more playtime with Mare. Had there not been the lip incident, it would have been a PERFECT night.

This is her lip as of yesterday (Sunday). Seems to be healing real well, but was still a scary traumatic experience nonetheless.

And we became one of "those people" at Chic Fil A.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, man, if that had been Camryn I think I would have lost it. It's hard enough getting her parents to let me watch her and her sister, but having an injury during Auntie Katie time would have DEFINITELY set me back! You are so calm and collected!

    A band-aid? Really, people?
