Monday, July 18, 2011


Ok, I was SOOOO nervous to do this. 1, I hate heights. 2, I hate heights. 3, I hate heights. So far, it was sounding like a lose lose situation but it's probably a once in a life time opportunity, so I sucked it up and headed onto the boat with my Jeffy and the Browns

All geared up ready to go...

*Note my tye dye shorts!* Getting hooked up to the thing. Seriously, I am freaking out right about here, and Jeff just can't wait whatsoever. That bar in the middle of us is the connected between you and the parachute. You hold onto that until you sit down

This is the scary part. You sit down and let go of the bar, and can then hold onto the straps at your sides, otherwise known as your harness.

Then they start driving the boat, while you sitting, and freaking out, and holding on to dear life.

Them BAM you take off. I love that Jeff is not holding on and is happy as a lark and I look like I am trying to clutch the strap things hoping they will take me back down

This is up half way up in the air... I finally started to relax when I realized it would not be a ride like the Rocket at lagoon. It is totally smooth sailing. The scariest part really is going off the boat, and occassionally realizing the only thing keeping you from not dying is the huge parachute above you...

Us all the way up in the air, 600 FT It was cool, while we were up there we saw some sea lions! And, we could actually talk to each other! Jeff even snapped some pictures with the Browns waterproof camera. He is a brave soul.

Just watch.

Yep, we were DUNKED. Curse the driver! Everybody else before us only got their toes wet, but he thought that I needed to go ALL THE WAY IN to help me "loosen up". I'm sorry, since when did that mean somebody would LOOSEN UP????

Back in the air after being dunked. Not gonna lie, It was pretty awesome. I was scared getting off the boat, which is natural, and then had another moment of panic when going down to be dunked, but it was SO MUCH FUN. I would do it again in a heart beat. It's so smooth! And it's just nice to just be up there and look all around. Super cool. Loved every minute of it once I got up there.

Comin back down

I think his face sums up both of our feelings about our parasailing experience :)

We are now parasailers! Woot woot! Cross that off my bucket list! (or add it on and THEN cross it off!)
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